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Church News

Church Members

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Sunday 23.1.2022

We are delighted to welcome

Sarah Sutton into church membership. Being given the hand of fellowship by Elder Neil Seeds.

Sunday 24.10.22 

We were delighted to welcome Simon and Donna Allen into church membership.

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Braunstone EFC Membership Service


What a joy to welcome 7 of our brothers and sisters into official membership today to bring us up to 10. May He see fit to use each of us for His purposes in the local church as we submit to Him and may there be the equivalent of the names listed in Romans 16 among us.


To listen to the Membership service sermon, please follow this link.

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Pastor Peter Allen welcomes his wife Dawn Allen into church membership. Dawn was one of seven brothers and sisters to be added to our new register of members at Braunstone EFC.

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When the church was established back in 1966, a trust deed was set up, trustees and church officers were appointed and the church came in to being. In recent years, it became clear that the trust deed was locked and we were unable to release it or to appoint new trustees or church officers. So we began the 4-year journey of establishing a new trust deed and becoming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).


We praise God for all that He has done during that time, culminating in us becoming a CIO with new trustees and, on Sunday 4th February 2018, we welcomed Stephen Sutton and Neil Seeds as new elders of Braunstone Evangelical Free Church. Each of them has served alongside Pastor Pete for over 20 years and their commitment and calling are evident, that the hand of God has equipped them for the task.


We now look to the future, knowing that the process of membership and leadership can continue long after we all go to Glory or until His return.



Celebrating 25 years of service

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On Sunday September 26th, 2021, our church, Braunstone Evangelical Free Church, paid tribute to our Pastor and his wife - Peter and Dawn Allen - following 25 years of faithful service. 


They knew that a church meal was planned after the morning service which was nothing particularly unusual as a number of such meals had been enjoyed prior to covid. What they didn't anticipate, chiefly because we had rightly guessed that neither of them would have remembered the exact date of Pastor's induction service in 1996, was a presentation of gifts during the service and a zoom link up with a number of friends in the afternoon. These were link ups with Christians now living in the USA, West Indies & Nigeria including the Pastor immediately preceding Pete. 


Pete takes most situations in his stride but was clearly moved by what took place. Dawn was almost overcome by it all. I think they slept well Sunday night!


A day for us all to remember with great joy and sincere thanksgiving to our triune God. 


Praise God from whom all 

blessings flow, Praise him all

creatures here below,

Praise him above ye heavenly 

hosts, Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost" 

Braunstone EFC

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Having spent a number of years without a team, Braunstone Evangelical Football Club have reformed and are once again playing in the Leicestershire Church League. 


Our home pitch can be located on the Braunstone Grove Community Hub, on Braunstone Park. 

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Emmanuel Christian School Extension Project

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Emmanuel Christian School is housed within our local Church (Braunstone Evangelical Free Church).
The School is ever expanding, and new plans are afoot to move the current portacabin onto the foundations, along with adding two smaller portacabins to make way for a classroom, staffroom and headteachers' office. This also includes creating a new playground area for the pupils.

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You can view their future plans by following this LINK to their website

Baptismal Services

On Sunday 25th March 2018, some of our young people were baptised in a joint service at Carley Evangelical Baptist Church. Over 100 family members, friends and folk from both church congregations gathered to witness the event.


Thomas Seeds and James Sutton gave their testimonies before being baptised, telling of their love and commitment to their Lord Jesus Christ.


Link to Baptismal Sermon

Thomas Seeds

Testomony - Thomas Seeds
00:00 / 00:00

James Sutton

Testomony - James Sutton
00:00 / 00:00
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